What the Unpackaging Alameda Project Means For The Future Of Source Reduction

We are proud that, with the Ocean Protection Council, we have successfully wrapped a two-year
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Plastic Free July Calendar

By the year 2050, there will be more plastic by weight in the ocean than fish. What can we do,

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ReUse During Covid

ReThink Disposable & Clean Water Action/Clean Water Fund, in collaboration with
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Through the Eyes of the Food Service Operator

Clean Water Fund and StopWaste asked restaurants how the pandemic has impacted their sustainability
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ReThink Disposable Blog Series Part I: Zero Waste at Home & In Your Community

ne of our biggest victories in New Jersey was helping pass legislation banning single-use carryout
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ReThink Disposable Blog Series Part II: Next Steps for Local Zero Waste Policies

New Jersey recently passed a statewide law banning single-use carryout bags and polystyrene foam
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No Plastic Straws

Governments and municipalities all over the world are proposing bans on single-use plastic straws,
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Every Voice Counts

The ReThink Disposable team has been hard at work encouraging businesses to reduce their use of
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Paper or Plastic?

Why the Answer Should be "Neither"
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The Ban From China That is Ending Recycling As We Know It

Worldwide awareness of the harm from plastic pollution has reached an all-time high. Plastics are
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